You Need To Be Aware Of These New Developments In New Jersey’s Traffic Laws

New Jersey’s traffic laws are constantly changing, and it makes sense to keep on top of these changes if you want to keep your license. The problem is that these changes aren’t always widely communicated to the general public – leading people to commit traffic offenses that they didn’t even know existed. Unfortunately, ignorance is not a valid defense – and you still face serious consequences regardless of whether the state actually made enough of an effort to inform you of these changes.
So what are the most recent changes in New Jersey’s traffic laws that you need to be aware of?
New Law Could Result in a $50 Charge Just for Entering New York City
If you’re a New Jersey resident and you wish to enter New York, you might end up paying a $50 fee. This is on top of existing fees, including congestion pricing tolls that can reach well over $20. This is part of a dispute between the two states, as New York has only threatened to enact the law because New Jersey is currently refusing to share information related to camera-generated traffic tickets. Because of New York’s heavy use of traffic cameras, this has led to lawmakers accusing New Jersey of being “uncooperative.”
In response, one New Jersey lawmaker stated:
“The only thing that this has accomplished is that the idiots that introduced it demonstrated just how stupid they are.”
Lawmakers also threatened to charge New York residents $100 for entering the Garden State, taking a “tit for tat” approach.
The Hot Pursuit Warrant Exception
You may be aware that police in New Jersey need a valid reason if they want to pull you over, search you, or enter your residence. But there are situations in which police are not required to obtain a warrant. One of these situations is the “hot pursuit warrant exception.” As the name implies, this gives police the right to circumvent warrant requirements if they are currently chasing after a criminal.
However, the Supreme Court recently stressed that the hot pursuit warrant exception does not extend to traffic violations. In other words, if you run a red light, panic, and drive home as fast as you can, police do not have the right to enter your home. If they enter your home anyway and find additional evidence of crimes such as drug possession, you cannot be charged for these crimes. This is because the search was unconstitutional.
Fighting Your Tickets or Charges
You should know that whether you have been issued a traffic ticket or whether you face a more serious criminal offense, you can fight for your rights effectively. It may be possible to challenge your ticket with a relatively straightforward hearing – potentially saving you hundreds of dollars and preventing your license from being suspended. You may also challenge the constitutionality of certain charges – including cases involving the so-called “hot pursuit” warrant exception. You can do this with the help of a qualified, experienced defense attorney.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
For help from a skilled New York criminal lawyer, look no further than Phillip J. Murphy, Attorney at Law. Over the years, we have helped numerous defendants fight for their rights – whether they face simple traffic tickets or more serious criminal charges. You always have the right to an attorney – but your choice of attorney matters. Book your consultation today, and we can get started with an effective defense strategy right away.