When Do Lies Become Illegal In New Jersey?

In ancient Greece, the legendary philosopher Plato argued in favor of a “noble lie” – a mistruth capable of serving the greater good. Many New Jersey residents would agree that there are certain situations in which lying is ethical. That being said, some lies are illegal – whether they’re ethical or not. What kinds of lies are unlawful in Bergen County? What kind of penalties might you face for these lies, and could a criminal defense lawyer in Bergen County help?
Making False Reports
One example of an illegal lie is a false report made to law enforcement. These false reports may take many forms, but particularly serious penalties await those who make false bomb threats. Many states have created enhanced consequences for those who engage in this behavior, including “swatting.”
In November of 2024, a 72-year-old woman from Teaneck was arrested for calling in a fake bomb threat to a Bergen County hospital. The incident occurred in the summer of 2024, and the woman allegedly told hospital staff that there were “several bombs” in the medical facility that were about to explode. As a result, the woman has been charged with second-degree public alarm, a crime that can lead to up to a decade in prison.
Obstruction of Justice
Another example of an illegal lie involves obstruction of justice. This might involve lying to a police officer or a detective in a way that makes it difficult for them to investigate crimes. It doesn’t matter whether you’re actually a suspect or not, and interfering with justice in any way could result in serious penalties.
In October of 2024, a New Jersey woman was charged with records tampering, impersonation, forgery, obstruction of justice, and making a false statement – all examples of offenses for illegal lies. This woman reportedly told authorities that her child had leukemia in an effort to have a prior criminal case delayed. However, authorities eventually determined that the mother had been forging medical documents – and the child had not received treatments for leukemia.
While there are many other examples of illegal lies, fraud is a notable addition. Generally speaking, fraud involves lying for monetary gain. This might involve telling lies about an investment, fooling people into paying you for services that you never actually provide, and certain activities like Ponzi or pyramid schemes. Fraud might also involve lying to your accountants or filing false tax returns.
Can a Bergen County Defense Lawyer Help?
If you are accused of fraud, making false police reports, or any other crimes associated with lies, consider speaking with a New City criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. With help from an experienced lawyer, you can fight for your rights and clear your name. Choose Phillip J. Murphy, Attorney at Law – and schedule a consultation today to get started with a defense strategy.