What Kind Of Crimes Can You Commit While Already In Prison?

Authorities incarcerate people to keep them out of trouble. The primary motivation is not to provide victims with a sense of justice, but to ensure that further crimes are not committed in the future. But the truth is that there are many crimes that prisoners could potentially commit even while incarcerated. Some are obvious, while others may surprise you. So what kind of crimes could a prisoner commit while behind bars?
Regardless of what kind of crime you commit while incarcerated, you run the risk of having your stay in prison extended considerably. This is why it’s important to work with a qualified, experienced criminal defense attorney in New York if you find yourself in this situation. Remember, even prisoners have rights – and one of your most important rights is the right to an attorney. With the right defense strategy, you can mitigate any potential legal consequences you might be facing and keep your sentence to an absolute minimum.
The most obvious types of crimes committed by inmates are violent in nature, such as assault or murder. You might assume that these crimes are limited to the confines of prisons, but that is not always the case. In some situations, high-ranking gang members may orchestrate murders on the outside using cellphones and sophisticated communication strategies. For example, the Aryan Brotherhood and the Nuestra Familia have both expanded their operations on the streets, despite starting as prison gangs first and foremost.
Insurance Fraud
Believe it or not, prison inmates are capable of orchestrating truly complex white-collar crimes from the inside, such as insurance fraud. On July 7th of 2022, it was reported that three prisoners at the Bare Hill Correctional Facility in Malone had pled guilty to defrauding unemployment insurance programs designed to help small businesses during the pandemic. These individuals were somehow able to submit false unemployment insurance claims to the New York State Department of Labor, a crime which classifies as mail fraud and comes with a potential 20-year sentence. It was not revealed how these prisoners managed to carry out this act – probably because this information could give other prisoners ideas.
Drug Trafficking
Drug trafficking is another major crime committed by inmates. Smuggling in contraband is highly-lucrative, and anyone who can carry out these crimes enjoys a steady source of income. However, this is incredibly risky – and the penalties can extend an inmate’s stay in prison significantly.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
For help from a New York criminal defense lawyer, look no further than Phillip J. Murphy, Attorney at Law. Over the years, we have helped numerous defendants pursue the best possible results in a highly confident, efficient manner. Whether you’re already in prison or not, it’s always important to work with the best private defense attorney you can find. Reach out today, and we can start work on your defense strategy.