What Is The Most Common Punishment For Crimes In New Jersey?

If you’ve been charged with a crime in New Jersey, you’re probably wondering how you’ll be punished. While jail time is obviously something everyone wants to avoid, you may have heard that many criminals actually receive probation, suspended sentences, or some other kind of alternative consequence. But how common are these situations? Statistically speaking, what do most criminals experience when they are sentenced?
While statistics can be helpful, they can also be misleading at times. The truth is that your situation is unique. Because of this, your sentence might be very different compared to most criminals in New Jersey. In order to establish a more accurate sense of what to expect, it makes sense to get in touch with a qualified, experienced criminal defense attorney. Book a consultation, and you can go over the details of your unique situation. This allows you to predict the type of sentence you might receive. You can also work with a defense attorney to mitigate potential consequences, allowing you to escape penalties altogether under certain circumstances.
Probation is the Most Common Form of Criminal Sentencing in the United States
According to various observers, probation is the most common form of criminal sentencing in the United States. The Bureau of Justice Statistics found that there were almost 4 million adults under state or federal probation in 2011. In fact, 1.6 percent of all Americans over the age of 15 are on probation. This means that if you are charged with a crime, you are statistically most likely to receive probation.
Of course, probation isn’t always possible, and this type of suspended sentence is only possible if your crimes were not overly serious in nature. Generally speaking, probation is considered to be an attempt to save an individual who has taken “one wrong step.” If you commit multiple crimes, you are less likely to receive this favorable treatment, as it becomes clear that you have taken multiple wrong steps – not just one.
Property Crimes are the Most Common
The most common type of crime in the United States is property crime. Within property crime, larceny is probably the most common offense. In the Garden State, this is generally referred to as “theft by unlawful taking,” and it can be considered a disorderly persons offense or a felony – depending the value of the goods taken. Probation is certainly a possibility if you face this offense, especially if you stole goods of low value.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
Dedicated New Jersey criminal defense lawyer Phillip J. Murphy can help you fight your charges. Over the years, we have helped numerous defendants pursue positive legal outcomes. The fact that probation is the most common form of criminal sentencing may be encouraging, but a criminal defense attorney is still required to help you get the most out of the justice system. Book your consultation today, and we can help you fight for your rights in a confident, efficient manner.