What Is A Suspended Sentence In New Jersey?

Most defendants want nothing more than to stay out of prison or jail when they face criminal charges. It’s a feat that is easier said than done. On the other hand, you might be surprised at the possibilities when you review your legal options alongside a qualified, experienced criminal defense attorney. With help from one of these lawyers, you may be able to pursue a suspended sentence, which can be advantageous in a number of ways. But what exactly is a deferred sentence, and how can it help your unique situation?
If you’d like to learn more about suspended sentences, get in touch with a qualified, experienced criminal defense attorney in New Jersey as soon as possible. Not only can these legal professionals guide you towards a positive outcome, but they can also explain certain legal terms that you might not be familiar with, such as “suspended sentence.” It’s always best to get in touch with a qualified attorney as soon as possible to get the ball rolling and explore potential defense strategies.
Suspended Sentences Explained
So what exactly is a suspended sentence, anyway? Simply put, a suspended sentence allows you to serve your time on probation instead of behind bars. A judge may suspend all of your sentence or only a portion of it. A suspended sentence is not the same as a deferred sentence because your conviction will still appear on your criminal record. In contrast, charges are typically dismissed if you successfully serve a deferred sentence without violating your parole. As long as you respect the conditions of your parole, you can avoid significant time behind bars thanks to a suspended sentence.
Who Can Pursue a Suspended Sentence?
Suspended sentences are a form of leniency. As such, you can expect judges to offer this “olive” branch only under certain circumstances. For example, you might have been highly cooperative with police and detectives. Perhaps this is your first offense. Maybe your crime was relatively minor, and there were no aggravating factors. In these situations, you are more likely to be offered a suspended sentence. Of course, it also depends on the quality of your lawyer and whether they’re willing to actually explore these potential options on your behalf.
What Are the Requirements of a Suspended Sentence?
If you are serving a suspended sentence, it is very important to adhere to the conditions of your probation. If you violate your probation, your suspended sentence will be cut short immediately, and you will find yourself in a jail or prison cell.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
Don’t hesitate to reach out to New Jersey criminal lawyer Phillip J. Murphy for help with your case. Over the years, we have assisted numerous defendants, and we can help you explore a range of different alternative sentencing options, such as deferred sentences, suspended sentences, and more. Book your consultation today, and we’ll fight for your rights and assist you as you strive for the best possible outcome.