Understanding the Concept of “Victimless Crime” in New York

No victim, no crime. That is the underlying principle behind the concept of victimless crime. If no one is being victimized, then should we really be spending taxpayer dollars and resources on punishing so-called criminals? If we decriminalize victimless crimes, it could radically transform our society. Opponents of this movement may argue against it, but what would really happen if we stopped prosecuting people who haven’t actually harmed anyone? How would this have a negative impact on New York?
As crazy as it might sound, the legal system has taken steps towards the decriminalization of victimless crime. President Trump pardoned many non-violent felons, including a friend of Kim Kardashian’s. It also makes a lot of financial sense to start moving in this direction. Taxpayer dollars are being wasted on operating prisons filled with non-violent offenders. It costs approximately $3 billion each year to keep these people incarcerated, and these individuals could also contribute to the economy if they were released. In addition, private prisons actually incentivize increased incarceration due to corporate interests.
The good news is that victimless crimes are almost handled with greater leniency compared to violent crimes or harmful crimes. When you team up with a qualified, experienced criminal defense attorney in New York, you can give yourself a strong chance of a favorable legal outcome. Even though you might be guilty, your attorney can point out that you have no history of violence, and that no one was actually harmed as a result of your actions. This often convinces the judge to give you a lenient sentence.
What are Victimless Crimes?
Here are a few examples of victimless crimes:
- Drug possession
- Illegal firearms possession
- Possession of any “contraband”
- Prostitution
- Assisted Suicide
As you can see, these crimes are mostly “immoral offenses” that don’t really cause harm to anyone. While the majority of New Yorkers may look down upon prostitution or drug use, is an immoral act really the same thing as a crime? In the past, morality was closely aligned with our legal system, but attitudes towards so-called immoral acts have changed tremendously within the past few decades.
Does the NYPD “Create” Crimes?
There is widespread evidence that the NYPD actually profits from victimless crimes. In 2020, it was reported that officers were being rewarded with overtime pay for rounding up as many individuals as possible who were involved with New York’s sex trade. One instance saw the arrest of a college student after he merely stopped to talk to two prostitutes. No crime had actually been committed.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
Although the legal system still has a long way to go before it can truly evolve, there are plenty of resources available for those who have committed victimless crimes. Criminal defense attorneys are often passionate about fighting for individual rights and freedoms, especially when crimes do not involve any victims. Individuals like New York criminal defense attorney Phillip J. Murphy can help you fight for your freedom and avoid needless consequences.