Tag Archives: Self Defense

“When Does Self-Defense Become Criminal?”
On January 17th, the Argus Leader featured an interesting story on one man who now faces more than decade in prison for what some would label self-defense. In this particular case, two men involved were engaged in a fight in a public parking lot, when one of the men allegedly reached into his truck… Read More »
What is Self-Defense?
If you have ever looked up self-defense on the Internet, you will see numerous classes offered in Rockland County alone. When you think of self-defense classes, you might imagine someone wearing a padded suit, approaching another person in a slow and calculated manner. The “attacker” takes aim at the “victim” who then asserts their… Read More »
The Use of Force and Self-Protection
Soon, thousands of people across the country will become the involuntary subject of a dangerous encounter. Some victims are unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time while others are victims of pre-planned attacks such as home invasions, robberies, and kidnappings. Being able to protect yourself is sometimes the difference between life and… Read More »