Is It Worth Fighting A Traffic Ticket In New Jersey?
After getting a traffic ticket in New Jersey, you may be dead-set on fighting it in court. You may believe that the ticket was unwarranted, and you may be unwilling to simply sit back and accept the unfair consequences. However, as time goes on and your frustration begins to fade, you might start to wonder whether this is actually the best course of action. Is it worth all the trouble? Should you instead simply pay the fine, forget about it, and move on with your life?
In order to accurately determine whether it’s a good idea to fight your traffic ticket, you might want to consult with a qualified, experienced criminal defense attorney in New Jersey. Without a clear understanding of your specific situation, it’s difficult to say for sure whether fighting a ticket is worth it. An attorney can assess your fine and recommend the best course of action. If you do decide to fight your ticket, an attorney can guide you forward in a confident, efficient manner. With their help, you can get your ticket dismissed.
Don’t Pay the Ticket Yet
If you’re at least considering whether or not to fight your ticket, you should hold off on paying it. In many situations, payment of your traffic ticket can be interpreted as an admission of guilt. As such, you may lose the ability to fight your ticket after paying it. Speak with your attorney about whether you should pay your ticket or wait.
Consider the Offense
You might also want to consider the specific traffic offense you have been accused of violating. In some cases, it may be very clear that you violated the traffic regulation, and challenging your ticket will be more difficult. If you feel as though the evidence against you is insurmountable, it may be a good idea to simply accept the fine. Once again, it’s best to speak with your attorney for guidance.
When You Might Want to Fight Your Ticket
A traffic ticket is obviously worth fighting if the fine is very high. Once you start dealing with tickets that are worth many hundreds of dollars, you may be more justified in your decision to fight them in court. However, even a relatively small fine can come with additional consequences. For example, a small fine may be the “final straw” that causes you to lose your license. This may be the ticket that gives you that one extra point on your license, resulting in a mandatory suspension.
In addition, you might want to fight your ticket if you have a good chance of having it dismissed. The officer might have made a mistake on the ticket, such as writing the wrong date. There may be issues with the legality of traffic camera footage being used as evidence. In some cases, the officer who issued your ticket may not show up to the trial.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you need help from a skilled New Jersey criminal defense attorney, contact Phillip J. Murphy, Attorney at Law. We have considerable experience with a wide range of criminal cases, including those involving traffic offenses. In certain cases, even minor tickets may be worth fighting in court. Reach out, book your consultation, and we can immediately start working on an effective defense strategy.