Is It Illegal To Own A Pill Press In New Jersey?

Major pharmaceutical companies have been using pill presses on an industrial scale for many decades – often producing addictive and harmful drugs in the process. But while big pharmaceutical companies are allowed to carry out these operations in broad daylight, New Jersey residents could face serious consequences for simply owning a small pill press. It is no secret that some criminals in New Jersey use these devices to manufacture illegal drugs such as fentanyl, ecstasy, and amphetamines. Could you really face charges for simply owning a pill press?
How Do the DEA and CBP View Pill Presses?
The Drug Enforcement Agency and Border Protection take a very pessimistic view toward pill presses if they come across them. According to these agencies, the mere presence of a pill press represents the attempt to engage in unregistered pill production. As such, the DEA and other law enforcement agencies will likely seize pill presses if they discover them.
Purchasing a pill press legally can be difficult – assuming you follow all the various protocols. If you want to buy a pill press for legal purposes (such as making candy), you will need to obtain a registration number from the DEA. That being said, it is not difficult to find “candy tablet” machines for sale on the internet. Often, these items ship from China without any registration requirements – and can theoretically be used to create illegal drugs. It is very important to approach these online purchases carefully.
If you genuinely want to use your candy tablet machine for the creation of candy, you might want to establish a clear history of your hobby. Consider creating a candy-making company, even if you are simply pressing candies for fun. Document your involvement in the candy-making industry, and be aware that your activities may raise the suspicions of the DEA and other agencies.
The DEA only recognizes 102 “legitimate suppliers” of pill presses. If you are involved in the purchase or sale of unregistered pill presses, you could face serious consequences. Of particular note are the penalties associated with mislabeling these items as “toys” or “mixing machines” on shipping manifests. Some sellers of pill presses have also broken down components into separate shipments in order to avoid attention.
With all that said, the possession of a pill press is not strictly illegal in New Jersey or any other jurisdiction. After all, pill presses have legitimate uses – and prosecutors must prove beyond reasonable doubt that these items were used in an unlawful manner. With help from a qualified criminal defense attorney, you can show that you were using your pill press in a legitimate manner that had nothing to do with illegal drug manufacturing.
Find a Qualified, Experienced Drug Manufacturing Defense Lawyer in Bergen County
If you have been searching for a qualified, experienced New Jersey criminal defense lawyer, look no further than Phillip J. Murphy, Attorney at Law. We have defended numerous people in the past – including those accused of manufacturing illegal drugs. Book a consultation at your earliest convenience to determine the most appropriate defense strategy based on your unique situation.