Fighting Child Endangerment Accusations In A New Jersey DWI

If you’ve been accused of child endangerment in connection to a New Jersey DWI, your consequences may be much greater than normal. Child endangerment is considered an “aggravating factor” for DWIs in New Jersey, and the mere presence of a child may heighten potential penalties – even if you did not crash the vehicle. It may be possible to push back against these potential consequences with help from a qualified, experienced defense attorney in New Jersey.
School Bus Driver Guilty of 27 Counts of Child Endangerment in Essex County
On November 20th of 2023, it was reported that a bus driver in Essex County had been found guilty of no less than 27 counts of child endangerment. This was due to the fact that the defendant had driven her school bus while intoxicated. Every single child on board represented a separate count of child endangerment, and she could be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for each count. In other words, she faces up to 270 years in prison for this offense.
Witnesses allegedly spotted the bus driver operating her vehicle in a reckless, erratic manner before notifying the police. Authorities stopped her and administered a Breathalyzer test, and the results showed a BAC level of .34. This represents a level that is over eight times the legal limit, and it verges on a level of intoxication that is fatal for most people. The Cleveland Clinic states that a BAC level of this magnitude is likely to result in alcohol poisoning and the total loss of consciousness.
Potential Defense Strategies for Child Endangerment DWIs in New Jersey
Most people facing this offense are parents driving with their children in vehicles at the time of their arrest. While it’s unlikely for a parent to have 27 children on board a single vehicle, they may nonetheless have large families in vehicles with many seats, such as minivans. Each child represents the potential for a separate, 10-year sentence in the State of New Jersey.
The most optimal defense strategy depends entirely on the situation at hand, and it is best to discuss your options alongside a qualified attorney during the initial consultation process. That being said, the obvious route is often to show that the Breathalyzer result is unreliable. With this crucial piece of evidence thrown into doubt, it may be difficult for prosecutors to convict you of either child endangerment or DWI.
Find a Qualified, Experienced Defense Attorney in New Jersey
If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced New Jersey criminal defense attorney, look no further than Phillip J. Murphy, Attorney at Law. Over the years, we have helped numerous defendants throughout the Garden State – including those who have been accused of child endangerment and DWIs. With our help, you can explore potential defense strategies for this common situation. Book your consultation today to get started.