Fighting A Ticket In New York Could Keep Your Insurance Low

Many New Yorkers might be reluctant to fight their tickets. After all, these legal procedures can be time-consuming and tiresome. You might want to simply pay your ticket and “get it over with.” But what if fighting your ticket could dramatically lower your monthly insurance costs? This adds another element to traffic law that most people never consider – and it’s something worth considering alongside your New City traffic ticket attorney.
Does a Speeding Ticket Really Increase Your Insurance in York?
Insurance companies are all about gathering as much data as possible. If there is publicly accessible information that helps them assess your driving abilities, you can bet that they’ll use it to increase your rates. This certainly applies to speeding tickets, and an insurance company might argue that a driver with a history of racking up speeding tickets is more likely to crash. As a result, they will undoubtedly attempt to charge higher monthly rates for that driver.
But what if the driver received incorrect tickets? What if you received a speeding ticket that didn’t seem right, but you decided to pay it anyway out of convenience? Suddenly, your insurance company might increase your monthly rates – even if there is no real evidence to show that you were actually speeding. Remember, paying a speeding ticket is like pleading guilty to a crime. It is an “admission of fault” in the eyes of insurance companies.
Is It Worth Fighting My Speeding Ticket to Keep My Rates Low?
Even if you know that your rates will increase, you still might be reluctant to fight your ticket. After all, a few dollars more per month isn’t going to make much of a difference – right? To make an informed decision in this situation, you need to determine how much this increase is going to be. And according to Forbes, your monthly costs could increase by almost 20% after a single speeding ticket in New York. Bankrate indicates a much lower figure of 7%.
Even if your monthly rates increase by just 7%, this could equate to many hundreds of dollars over the course of a year. You should also consider the severity of the ticket. Traveling a few mph over the limit might not increase your rates much, but a “super speeder” ticket could have a much more serious effect. A driver who receives numerous tickets is also likely to see a serious increase in their monthly insurance costs.
Contact Phillip J. Murphy, Attorney at Law to Fight Your Traffic Ticket
If you’re serious about fighting your Rockland County traffic ticket, get in touch with Phillip J. Murphy Attorney at Law. Over the years, we have helped numerous drivers in New York fight their tickets with confidence. Due to rising insurance costs, it makes more sense than ever before to fight your tickets. Contact us today to learn more about fighting your traffic ticket – and the various benefits that you may experience as a result.