Category Archives: Traffic Violations

What Happens If You Get A DUI Without A License In Bergen County?
A DUI in Bergen County can be problematic, but many drivers also face additional traffic violations when committing this offense. It is not uncommon for drivers to face consequences for both driving under the influence and driving without a valid license. What might happen if you face these charges at the same time? Can… Read More »

Understanding New York’s New Congestion-Pricing Plan
New York’s new “congestion-pricing” plan is continuing to make waves across the nation. Not only is this the first plan of its kind in United States history, but it also has the potential to affect countless motorists in the Metro New York Area. This includes not only residents of New York, but also many… Read More »

Avoid These Bergen County Towns If You Don’t Like Traffic Tickets
If you’ve ever wondered whether police in your town are more “ticket-happy” than their counterparts in other towns, you’re not alone. Until now, the number of Bergen County traffic tickets issued by each town was impossible to determine for the average person – and it was a subject of considerable speculation in some circles…. Read More »

Do You Have To Pay Old Tickets Before Renewing Your License In New Jersey?
You may face numerous surprising barriers when you attempt to renew your driver’s license in New Jersey. One of the most common issues involves unpaid traffic tickets. You may have completely forgotten about these tickets, and perhaps you procrastinated instead of paying them. What can you do in this situation? Can you fight the… Read More »

New Jersey And New York’s “Click It Or Ticket” Campaign Explained
Traffic campaigns occur on a regular basis in New Jersey, and the latest example is “Click It or Ticket.” Drivers faced random checkpoints as part of this campaign, and as its name implies, they may face tickets for violations. What exactly is this campaign, and what should you do if you have already received… Read More »

Fighting A Ticket In New York Could Keep Your Insurance Low
Many New Yorkers might be reluctant to fight their tickets. After all, these legal procedures can be time-consuming and tiresome. You might want to simply pay your ticket and “get it over with.” But what if fighting your ticket could dramatically lower your monthly insurance costs? This adds another element to traffic law that… Read More »

What Happens During A DMV Hearing In Rockland County?
A DMV hearing in New York might seem like a daunting prospect, but it’s easier to approach this undertaking alongside a qualified traffic offense lawyer in Rockland County. You might also feel more confident about this process once you learn more about how it all works. What exactly happens during a DMV hearing? How… Read More »

Paying Your Traffic Ticket In Rockland County: Pros And Cons
When the average person receives a traffic ticket in Rockland County, they face an important decision: Do they fight the ticket in court, or do they simply pay the fine? Each decision has its pros and cons. Each situation is also unique, leading to different benefits and disadvantages based on your specific circumstances. While… Read More »

Should You Admit Fault If You Get Pulled Over In New York?
It may be tempting to admit fault during a traffic stop in Rockland County. But is this really the most logical choice? Some might say that “owning up” to your traffic infraction makes officers more lenient, while others say that you should never admit to anything. To make an informed decision in this regard,… Read More »

What Are The Headlight Laws In New York?
A traffic ticket based on improper headlight use may seem like the most pointless infraction imaginable in New York. However, they are possible – and they can lead to serious fines. Whether you are facing these fines or you’re simply trying to avoid them in the future, it makes sense to become aware of… Read More »