Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Recovery Courts In Bergen County: An Alternative To Jail?
If you are facing minor drug possession charges, courts in New Jersey see this as a “crime of addiction.” Although the so-called War on Drugs once promoted a zero-tolerance approach to possession, courts are now more lenient toward genuine addicts. As a somewhat progressive state, New Jersey recognizes that this is a mental health… Read More »

Can You Go To Prison For Road Rage In New Jersey?
“Road rage” is not a crime in New Jersey. This term merely refers to aggressive and confrontational behavior behind the wheel, and you will not find the phrase anywhere in the criminal statutes of the Garden State. However, you can certainly face incarceration for crimes you commit during road rage incidents. If you’re facing… Read More »

Using The Battered Women’s Syndrome Defense In New York
If you have been accused of a violent crime against your husband or significant other, you may want to consider the “battered women’s syndrome defense.” Although this particular defense strategy may only be useful in certain situations, it can potentially help you avoid all criminal consequences for a violent act. In some cases, it… Read More »

Paying Your Traffic Ticket In Rockland County: Pros And Cons
When the average person receives a traffic ticket in Rockland County, they face an important decision: Do they fight the ticket in court, or do they simply pay the fine? Each decision has its pros and cons. Each situation is also unique, leading to different benefits and disadvantages based on your specific circumstances. While… Read More »

Am I Allowed To Break The Speed Limit During A Medical Emergency In New York?
In an emergency situation, various rules and responsibilities might suddenly seem much less important. You might feel pressured to rush as quickly as possible to a nearby hospital. Perhaps you have only minutes to work with in truly life-or-death situations. You may have heard that in some emergency situations, it is acceptable to break… Read More »

How Can A DWI Conviction Affect Your Reputation In New Jersey?
Most DWI defendants focus on the more immediate consequences of this charge – such as license revocation and fines. Very few consider the effects that a conviction might have on their reputation, and this often proves to be the most life-altering consequence of a DWI. How exactly might this affect you going forward? How… Read More »

Should I Plead Guilty To Drug Trafficking In New York?
Those facing drug trafficking charges in New York must make an important decision. They can either fight their charges, or they can plead guilty. This choice can affect the trajectory of your criminal case more than any other factor, and you should approach it with caution. Often, the right decision is clear and obvious…. Read More »

What Is The Penalty For Using Brass Knuckles In New Jersey?
The first brass knuckles date back to Roman times, and historians believe they evolved from something called a “caestus.” This weapon was popular among gladiators, and it took the form of a hand guard made from leather and metal. Brass knuckles later appeared during the American Civil War, and some US soldiers were even… Read More »

What Happens If You Hurt A Senior In New York?
Assault is always a serious offense in New York, but the penalties may vary depending on the alleged victim. If you were involved in an altercation that left a senior with physical injuries, you face heightened penalties under New York law. How serious is this situation? How can you push back against excessive penalties… Read More »

What To Do After A Shoplifting Arrest In Rockland County
An arrest after an alleged shoplifting offense in Rockland County can be highly traumatic. This may be your first arrest, and you may have absolutely no idea what to do. The most important thing to remember in this scenario is that you are not alone. The first hours may seem stressful, but soon you… Read More »