Are Fireworks Legal In New Jersey?
The Fourth of July is a beloved celebration around the nation, and fireworks have always been a big part of this momentous day. In New Jersey, many people flock to public firework displays to see the mesmerizing lights and hear the thrilling explosions. But what if you want to set off your own fireworks during the Fourth of July? Well, the legality of fireworks in New Jersey has gone through many changes in recent years, and it’s important to understand the laws.
If you have been charged with an offense related to illegal fireworks sale, possession, or use, you need to get in touch with a qualified, experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. A fireworks charge might not seem like a big deal, but you might be surprised at the extent of the legal consequences. Reach out to a criminal defense attorney near you, and it becomes easier to approach this situation in an efficient, confident manner.
Which Fireworks Are Legal in New Jersey?
Prior to 2017, all fireworks were illegal in the Garden State. However, the New Jersey Explosives and Fireworks Act was amended in 2017, allowing for sparklers, snakes, glow worms, smoke devices, and trick noisemakers. All other fireworks are still illegal in New Jersey. These include common varieties such as Roman Candles.
Why are Fireworks Illegal in New Jersey?
It might seem unfair that fireworks are illegal in New Jersey. After all, plenty of other states allow people to purchase, sell, and use these fun devices during the Fourth of July celebrations. Nearby states like Pennsylvania seem to have no qualms about fireworks. So why has New Jersey taken such a tough stance against fireworks? The first concern is obviously for public safety, but there may be other priorities. For example, the state is frequently hit with heatwaves and droughts during early July. This means that there is a heightened risk of wildfires during these dry periods, and fireworks can easily start flames.
What is the Penalty for Illegal Fireworks in New Jersey?
The penalty for selling fireworks illegally is actually much worse than purchasing or using them. If you are caught “selling, offering, exposing for sale, or possessing fireworks with an intent to sell,” you will be guilty of a crime of the fourth degree. This of course does not include sparklers and other acceptable novelties. If your business sells fireworks without clearly stating that these devices are illegal without the proper permit, you are violating the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act.
If you purchase or use illegal fireworks without a special permit, you face a petty disorderly person’s offense.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified, Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Today
For help from a skilled New Jersey criminal lawyer, contact Phillip J. Murphy. We have considerable experience with a wide range of criminal cases, and we can help you with virtually any legal consequences you might be facing. The Fourth of July is supposed to be a time for fun and patriotism. Don’t let criminal charges ruin your celebrations. Reach out and book your consultation today, and we can develop an effective action plan together.